duminică, 27 martie 2016

SQL Plus query result in xls file

If you need to obtain the result of a query in an Excel file, follow these example:

1. Create an sql file called 'MyScript.sql' (just as example) that will contain somehting like this:
alter session set current_schema = test;

set markup html on
set feedback off
set pagesize 0 embedded on
spool C:\report.xls

from dual
union all
from <table>;

spool off
set markup html off

2. Use SQL Plus to run this .sql file
  a. From cmd type 'sqlplus <schema>/<password>@<server_name>' (find <server_name> in tnsnames.ora file)
  b. Type ' @<full_path_to_your_sql_file>'
3. You will find the generated file in C:\report.xls

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